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УДК 01

ББК 91.9:28

П 38

Plissak Rimma Petrovna: Biobibliographical index /

СompiledbyL.A. Demeyeva, doctor of biological sciences.

Bibliogr. editors: T.V. Vdovukhina, G.I. Belgibayeva,

A.Zh. Sakanova. – Almaty: «Gylym ordasy» RSE Central

Scientific Library, 2017. – 150p.: portr. [«Biobibliography

of scientists of Kazakhstan» series].

ISBN 978-601-7815-34-9

УДК 01

ББК 91.9: 28


Sitpayeva G.T.

Academician of the Kazakh National Academy

of Natural Sciences, Doctor of biological sciences

Scientific editor

Kurochkina L.Ya.

Doctor of biological sciences, Professor

Responsible for issue

Belgibayeva G.I.

ISBN 978-601-7815-34-9

© Central Scientific Library,


П 38