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The given work «Illustrated bibliographical index of rare books keeping in the

fund of the Scientific Library of RSE «Gylym Ordasy» is realized according the

program «Grant financing of the scientific researches for 2012-2014 of Science

Committee, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan».

Book fund of the Scientific Library of RSE «Gylym Ordasy» consists of 5 millions

of documents, rare editions and manuscripts are especially distinguished among

them. Book monuments possess a significant cultural wealth and have a special

historical, scientific and cultural meaning.

One of the collections of the rare fund – books in the West-European languages.

Every exemplar of book is not only a cultural monument of that time of edition but

have the signs of long life in centuries. Rare books in foreign languages after the

centuries have turned out over thousands kilometers from historical native land.

All these books are notable for compulsive contents, illustrations, beautiful book-

cover, physical properties of paper, legibility of printing and beauty of types. This

work is the first experiment in creation of annotated index in foreign languages

and exposes the composition of rare books fund in the West-European languages

of XVI–XIX centuries.

Bibliographical description of documents is realized in accordance with

standards’ request.

The compiling of the index had the following stages of work: selection of

literature, compiling of bibliographical notes, preliminary translation of titles,

choosing the optimal variant of annotation of documents, design of the index, etc.

All collected material is arranged in severe alphabetical order of authors and

titles of publications.

The books offered the readers reflect the main stages of the development of

culture and science of world countries. Territorial boundaries of editions cover Italy,

France, the Netherlands, German, England, Russia and other states and published

in Latin, German and Old German, Italian, Dutch, French and English languages. The

purpose of compiling of any index is to raise its informative content. Annotations

exposing the value of original serve that. They are given in Kazakh and Russian for

every book and help the reader to orient in choosing the source. Thematic scope

of editions is diverse. Editions of XVI–XIX centuries reflect the character of epochs;

one can see it in theme and plot of books.

One of themost avital and rare books is dated by 1556 year – «Ariosto L. Orlando

Furioso. Tutto ricorretto, et di nuoue figure adornato. – Venetia: Appresso Vicenzo